Busy Moms: Quick Snack!

So call me crazy, but I decided a quick, easy snack would be to give Ellie some berries. I usually buy frozen bags of berries from Trader Joe's to use in smoothies. Ellie was hungry and I was about to walk back out the door to head to another appointment. I didn't have time to make a smoothie, so I thought, "Hey, how about just the berries?" I popped them in the microwave for 30 seconds and voila: a yummy, fun-to-eat, and super-healthy snack.

So whether you have to leave for work, have another munchkin at your feet, or a kitchen to clean, try popping some antioxidant-rich berries in the microwave and let them entertain themselves for a while (finger painting, anyone!?).

Check out the mess...I left that for Dad to take care of. :)

What are these? They feel mushy!

Whatever this is, I like it!

More, please?

What!?... Why do I need a bath?

Happy Snacking!